Little Stories of Your Life
My first book is an exploration of storytelling, creativity, moment & self. It’s about searching for who we are and finding our stories — and ourselves — in small, everyday moments. It is full of creative exercises that will inspire you to pick up your camera and pen and use words and photographs to capture precious little moments from your own life.
I wrote this book for the person I used to be, the person who believed that her life wasn’t exciting enough to be recorded, that a story was only interesting if it was dramatic and eventful. I wanted to tell her that her voice was worth hearing, that her life — all the tiny details of her utterly ordinary life — were meaningful. We don’t need a grand narrative arc to have a story to tell.
I also wrote this book for you because your voice — and your story — matters.
Little Stories of Your Life Book Trailer
Readers say…
Caution: this book is seriously inspirational. Like a cosy chat with your most creative, arty friend ever. - Louise
It’s a wonderful book. Every time I pick it up I’m inspired and I love that you weave so many sources and philosophies in a way that’s gentle and inspiring. Reading it is like a walk with a friend. - Suzy
When I read a book I often leave little bookmarks (scraps of paper, old tickets, autumn leaves…) in the pages to mark the ones with passages I want to return to and re-read […] This book ended up so stuffed full of my page markers that it was twice as thick when I finished it as when I began. There really is a phrase worth remembering on almost every page. - Rachel
I love dipping into it at all times of day and finding comfort and inspiration in your beautiful words and pictures. - Juliet
I’m currently reading your inspirational and beautiful book each morning while I sip my tea… it moves my heart, opening my eyes to possibility. - April
This is the book I have been searching for ! It’s not about reaching a certain amount of followers or getting a certain amount of likes it’s about me and what I want to share and tell. I truly feel my creativity is flowing freely this morning, this may sound strange but your book has given me permission to be me ?! - Emma
It’s a book of beauty, substance and inspirational, practical creativity. - Helen
It resonates with me on so many levels. - Sarah
Thanks for writing this I’m finding a new me through it. - Fran
This book is helping me see the joys in the everyday and so much more. -Paula
A beautiful little book to move into the cooler months. I was looking for something cosy. A book that creates a feeling inside of you. A way seeing book. - Linden
I have loved learning more about the creative process, storytelling and memory. Plus the photographs illustrating the book are exceptionally beautiful. One to dip into, reflect and learn from. - Kirsten
Compiling quotes of wisdom from writers, photographers, philosophers, Buddhist monks and storytellers, Laura reminds us to see, engage, imagine, seek amazement, connect, and look for relationships within our day. - Dee
It is one of those books you will want to read again and again. A perfect start to the new year. - Jeanne
(Reader quotes taken from comments or captions shared on Instagram.)
‘A gentle, inspiring handbook to finding magic in the everyday and igniting (or reigniting) one's creative spark.
The book reminded me of a gentler Artist's Way and is peppered with writing and photography exercises designed to awaken your artistic curiosity.
I read it through once and intend to reread so I can complete each exercise.
What I appreciated about this book is that while Laura Pashby has a successful Instagram (@circleofpines), Little Stories of Your Life isn't about creating for Instagram specifically. It's about creating for *you* and taking joy in discovering your unique creative interests and perspectives. Whether you choose to share your creativity online is up to you, but the core of the book is about how your life can be transformed from dull and dreary to magic and meaningful by small acts of noticing.
I think this approach is so refreshing in a hustle-based world where every hobby has to be monetised or performance tracked. And how comforting to realise that we already have everything we need to create beautiful, authentic works of art.’
— Review from Kate MacRitchie (via Goodreads)
Images on this page and book trailer by Xanthe Berkeley